Summer 2022 Update

To Our Friends at Hope Viera Lutheran Church, 


Greetings and Salutations in Christ Our Risen Lord and Savior. I hope that your summer has been exceedingly joyful and abounding in the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus Christ. I have been notified that you are once again our Adopt-a-Student sponsor. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude that your church chooses to give to Concordia Seminary. It is a great benefit to the institution and especially to students like me who would not be able to attend without district, church, or personal support. It truly means a lot to me and my family. 


Now, a little bit about our summer! Summer for our family was filled with ups and downs. Even so, God graciously provided for us in all things, as we knew that he would. At the beginning of the summer, we were able to attend Six Flags, a local theme park in the St. Louis area, that in home to many rollercoasters and thrill rides. It was a fun experience that we might share again in the future. I was also privileged to take my daughter to see the Backstreet Boys; it was her first concert. It was a great experience that we were able to share as father and daughter. My daughter and I were also able to attend or Resident Field Church’s Vacation Bible School which was a treat. Unfortunately, beyond our visit to Six Flags, my wife was unable to attend the other outings with us. She was, by the grace of God, fortunate enough to help take care of her grandmother over the summer as she came to the end of her life. 


Our summer was also greatly affected by my summer language course. I am overjoyed to let you all know that I passed my 9-week intensive of Summer Hebrew. It was definitely a challenge, especially with my wife being gone for most of the summer. Through the grace and blessings of God, I was able to pass with a B+ through diligent study and hard labor. We were also blessed with the faithful fellowship of many friends we have made here at Concordia Seminary. I don’t know what we would have done without the fellowship meals, through the means of summer cookouts, that we experienced. Just having people to talk to during trials and tribulations is enough to comfort the spirit and strengthen the soul. 


Together in Christ, 


The Albersons (Davin (Johan), Christina, and Mahli)