Fellowship at Hope

We all appreciate when we have a friend or two to walk alongside us as we experience the joys and sorrows that we encounter along life’s way.   

Through our times of fellowship at Hope, we deepen the relationships we have with one another and learn how we might best bear one another’s burdens.

Women's & Men's Bible Breakfast!

Our Women’s and Men’s Bible Breakfast groups will meet next on February 15 at 9 a.m. at Grills, 6075 North US  1, Melbourne, FL. This is a chance for a light devotion together and some good fellowship. All are invited! There will be signup sheets in the Narthex. Women may contact Cathy Chase at 321-505-1223 or Rachel Stutsman 701-471-4751 with questions. Men should contact Dave Roberts at 804-512-1496. Hope you can make it!

Crochet Crew

Crochet Crew will be meeting on Thursdays February 13 & 27 at 10 am to crochet and enjoy fellowship. If you have any questions or want to learn, please call Rachel Stutsman at 701-471-4751.