We will now have our Outreach meetings IN PERSON at Hope on the 2nd Thursday of every other month (November, January and so on). It will be held 6:30-7:30pm. Please have all reports, questions or suggestions to Tori Cooper by the 1st Thursday of the month. Our next meeting will be March 13.
Outreach meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of every other month, in person.
Ministry of the Month-Genesis House
Hope’s Ministry of the Month for February is Genesis House. It is the Mission of Genesis House to provide emergency shelter for homeless women and their children, long-term housing for student mothers with children, and shelter for homeless, pregnant women. Genesis House, Inc. is committed to providing a safe, supportive, caring environment. Education, self-discipline, self-reliance, and independence from public assistance are earnestly promoted. Counseling, personal improvement classes, and appropriate health care are obtained for all residents. They primarily serve the Melbourne, Florida area. Learn more about Genesis House at genesishousefl.org.
Food on the First - B.L.A.S.T.
This month we will be collecting food on both the 2nd and the 9th of February. We will have tables set up in the Narthex for our Souper Bowl of Caring. You can place your food items on either the Kansas City Chief’s table or the Philadelphia Eagles Table. This month BLAST is especially in need of pasta sauce, rice, macaroni and cheese, Knorr side dishes, and other side dishes. As always all donations are appreciated.
Hope for the Homeless
Thank you all for your wonderful donations sent in for Daily Bread. In January alone I had 3 separate full car load drop offs of blankets, clothing, shoes, purses, hygiene items and various other donations. Men’s and women’s underwear will be purchased for January and February using a $250 Thrivent card for each month (cards are in the mail). Church members can donate any items listed above the wicker drop off basket. You can always contact Tori cooper if you have a large donation or have any questions. Daily Bread is always Blessed to receive your items in love.
Zoom Session with Seminarian Davin Alberson
On Wednesday, Feb. 5 at Wednesday in the Word we will have a Zoom session with one of “our” seminarians, Davin Alberson. Davin is in his final year at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and will be receiving his ministry call in April. He has been most appreciative of Hope’s support during his time at the seminary, and we look forward to hearing his insights and perspectives about his fourth year and upcoming call. Everyone is invited to attend.
Fleece Blankets for Daily Bread
We have fleece blanket kits available in the narthex. Thus far members of Hope have completed almost 100 blankets which have been given out at Daily Bread for the homeless. The blankets are greatly appreciated year round, and especially in the latest spell of Florida cold weather. Please consider picking up a kit or two to help out with this project, and know that you are being Hope in our community!
Baker's Blessings on the Road
This month’s cookies will go to Sherwood Elementary School and will be due February 23. We are asking for 2 ½ dozen cookies to be bagged two to a bag in Ziplock Baggies. Please sign up in the narthex. Take a bag of “Baker’s Blessings” labels and put one on each bag of cookies. When you deliver your cookies, please put a check mark in the “Cookies Delivered” box. Should you have any questions, please contact Nancy Sutter at (321) 537-2717. Thank you!
Hope Cares
Hope Cares is a program that matches needs with resources all within our Hope family community. Here are just a few of the categories we could use help in providing:
-Greeting cards to shut-ins and emails
-Meals to homes – mostly after surgery, births, and so on
-Transportation – mostly to church, appointments, important errands
-Contribute food to funeral lunches, as per the family’s request
If you would like to be a resource providing these activities, please fill out a gold half-sheet which is on table in the narthex then check off your choices. Next, please give the form to Deaconess Lois or drop off in the church office. You will receive an email, or phone call, when a request for these items comes up.
Hope Cares is truly a blessing to our Hope family. Thank you for your help.
If you would like more information, please contact Deaconess Lois Diebel at 321-536-0430 or deaconess.lois@hope-brevard.org
Additional Community Support
- Operation Christmas Child
- Gifts from the Heart
- Guardian ad Litem Angel Tree
- Children's Hunger Project
- New Life Mission
- CITA Mission
- The Haven for Children
- Trinity Lutheran School
- Sherwood Elementary School
- Daily Bread, The Sharing Center, Genesis Food Pantry
- Family Promise of Brevard
- Habitat for Humanity
- Seven AA Groups
Outreach Report for 2023
In 2023 Hope’s Outreach expenditures came to $36,427 which included external and internal missions as well as advertising. The total income via our 11% of Hope’s total income for the year was $34,775 which included $250 from Steve Apostle’s memorial donation, $330 misc. donations and the $940 and 1,414 items from Hope member for Genesis Food Pantry. We also used $2,500 in Thrivent dollars which equaling 2,272 items purchased for Genesis Food Pantry- Food on the First. That was a whopping 3,686 non-perishable items given to our community in need. The 12/31/2023 ending balance in the Outreach account was $15,998.51. As of 12/1/2023, we used roughly 59 Thrivent cards which is an astonishing $14,750 in extra funds. Thank you to all who contribute to and support out Thrivent missions. What a wonderful way to given back for all the time, talents and treasures God has go graciously given to each of us. We truly are the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.