We will now have our Outreach meetings IN PERSON at Hope on the 2nd Thursday of every other month (November, January and so on). It will be held 6:30-7:30pm. Please have all reports, questions or suggestions to Tori Cooper by the 1st Thursday of the month. Our next meeting will be January 9.
Outreach meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of every other month, in person.
Ministry of the Month-B.L.A.S.T.
In January we will be supporting B.L.A.S.T food pantry as our Ministry of the Month. The B.L.A.S.T. program was designed to meet the needs of Exceptional Education Students (ESE) who are 18-22 years old. It focuses directly on transition opportunities and postsecondary goals of students who have deferred their diploma. This student driven/teacher led program strives to work toward a level of independence for every student in the four main domains of transition: Independent Living, Vocational and Employment, Personal and Social, and Recreation and Leisure.
Members of the B.L.A.S.T. program participate in a variety of Brevard Public Schools' transition programs, Community Based Instruction, and Community Based Vocational Experiences. Members also participate fully in all aspects of developing and implementing a school-based enterprise. Through hands-on learning centers and labs, members also gain knowledge and experience in a variety of independent living and self-determination skills. Young adults in the program will be encouraged to make choices, participate in work experiences, interact with others in the community, strengthen their confidence level and develop their social and communication skills across all settings. Mission Statement "Supporting students as they transition to adult life with high expectations resulting in excellence for all."
Food on the First - B.L.A.S.T.
B.L.A.S.T has been our recipient for Food on the First since January 2024. In the past year, members of Hope in addition to the use of eight Thrivent cards have provided 2,748 items of food to support the needy students of Eau Gallie High School. What a wonderful way to support the brain development of students who no longer need to worry if they will go hungry over the weekend. Children never need to worry about food, only how to be the best versions of themselves and be positive members of our community. For our January 5, Food on the First donation, BLAST is low on and especially in need of cereal and peanut butter. As always, all food donations are appreciated. Thank you for your support.
Hope for the Homeless
A very big THANK YOU to everyone in our Hope community for going above and beyond in 2024 to bless Daily Bread with much needed resources. It amazes me how generous our little church can be when we reach for and accomplish our goals to be people of Hope in our community. We ended 2024 with one of the biggest monthly donations yet, donating 14 XL bags of clothes, bedding, shoes and hygiene items in addition to dozens of fleece blankets. I thank each and every one of you for putting Daily Bread on your heart and supporting this very important community mission.
Daily Bread-5th Sunday Serving
Our last 5th Sunday of the year was December 29th. Our team of seven Hope members were able to greet and feed 101 community members a warm and hearty meal. There were so many people whom came to us directly to say Thank You for what we do and how we blessed them that day. Their gratitude was evident and you could feel the love shared between everyone. We encourage you to come and volunteer your time supporting those in our community that need a hand up, not a hand out. We serve on every 5th Sunday of the year from 10:30am to 1:30pm. Our 2025 dates include March 30th, June 29th, August 31st and November 30th. Please consider volunteering this new year. If you have any questions or would like to add your name to the volunteer list please talk to Tori Cooper. You must complete a Volunteer form for Daily Bread to serve. These will be provided to you.
Fleece Blankets for Daily Bread
Fleece blankets have been very popular items at Daily Bread, and this ongoing ministry is especially important in these winter months when there will be lower temperatures and an even greater need. We have added kits with warmer fleece to help meet this need, and all members and friends are welcome to make blankets; you might think of it as a special gift for a homeless person. We are thankful for dedicated Hope blanket makers who have produced about 80 blankets since June. The kits have directions and photos, but if you need additional assistance please contact Nancy Sutter (321-537-2717) or Nancy Roberts (804-5513-5375).
Baker's Blessings on the Road
Baker's Blessings will be taking a break for December and January. The next sign-up will be for February. Thank you for your support.
Hope Cares
Hope Cares is a program that matches needs with resources all within our Hope family community. Here are just a few of the categories we could use help in providing:
-Greeting cards to shut-ins and emails
-Meals to homes – mostly after surgery, births, and so on
-Transportation – mostly to church, appointments, important errands
-Contribute food to funeral lunches, as per the family’s request
If you would like to be a resource providing these activities, please fill out a gold half-sheet which is on table in the narthex then check off your choices. Next, please give the form to Deaconess Lois or drop off in the church office. You will receive an email, or phone call, when a request for these items comes up.
Hope Cares is truly a blessing to our Hope family. Thank you for your help.
If you would like more information, please contact Deaconess Lois Diebel at 321-536-0430 or deaconess.lois@hope-brevard.org
Additional Community Support
- Operation Christmas Child
- Gifts from the Heart
- Guardian ad Litem Angel Tree
- Children's Hunger Project
- New Life Mission
- CITA Mission
- The Haven for Children
- Trinity Lutheran School
- Sherwood Elementary School
- Daily Bread, The Sharing Center, Genesis Food Pantry
- Family Promise of Brevard
- Habitat for Humanity
- Seven AA Groups
Outreach Report for 2023
In 2023 Hope’s Outreach expenditures came to $36,427 which included external and internal missions as well as advertising. The total income via our 11% of Hope’s total income for the year was $34,775 which included $250 from Steve Apostle’s memorial donation, $330 misc. donations and the $940 and 1,414 items from Hope member for Genesis Food Pantry. We also used $2,500 in Thrivent dollars which equaling 2,272 items purchased for Genesis Food Pantry- Food on the First. That was a whopping 3,686 non-perishable items given to our community in need. The 12/31/2023 ending balance in the Outreach account was $15,998.51. As of 12/1/2023, we used roughly 59 Thrivent cards which is an astonishing $14,750 in extra funds. Thank you to all who contribute to and support out Thrivent missions. What a wonderful way to given back for all the time, talents and treasures God has go graciously given to each of us. We truly are the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.