Outreach meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of every other month, in person. 

We will now have our Outreach meetings IN PERSON at Hope on the 2nd Thursday of every other month (November, January and so on). It will be held 6:30-7:30pm. Please have all reports, questions or suggestions to Tori Cooper by the 1st Thursday of the month. Our next meeting will be July 11th.

  • Ministry of the Month

    The Ministry of the Month for July is The Children’s Hunger Project, a familiar ministry to many folks at Hope and residents of Brevard County. The existence of TCHP goes back to the fact that many students who receive food at school during the week have few food resources at home on the weekends; proper nutrition is the foundation for school success, and weekend food helps prepare children to be more successful learners on Monday mornings. Over 50 per cent of Brevard public school students receive free and/or reduced-price breakfast and lunch during the week, but the TCHP backpack program is designed to provide a pack of food for the weekend for hungry children. The program started about ten years ago with one school serving 27 children and has grown to 46 schools serving over 2400 children. They have moved to Shah Center to End Childhood Hunger at 26 Forrest Ave. in Cocoa. Volunteer opportunities (including packing meals) and various fundraising events are listed on their website at thechildrenshungerproject.org., and you may be interested in    getting on their mailing list.


  • Sherwood Backpacks

    Sign Up for Sherwood Backpacks and supplies will be provided on July 14th with a drop off date of July 28th.  Again, please do not return items during VBS July 15-19th as we will be using the Narthex and will not have room to store items. We will be using Thrivent cards to  purchase the children’s backpacks. You will only need to purchase the items listed on the  provided school supplies list.

  • Christmas in July-Operation Christmas Child

    Christmas in July Online Giving- this year I would like to do a push for online box orders in July.  Online giving is available year-round.  We donated 50 boxes in 2023 (30 Hope and 10 boys and 10 girls’ boxes using Thrivent). I pray we can double that total for 2024 with the help of Hope and Thrivent.  The online boxes cost $25 each which includes your choice of toy  selections and shipping. The sign-up sheet and goal page will be provided the 7th of July.  There will be a separate online sign up and physical box sign up.  We are praying our boxes make it to Hope before this date as shipping is delayed but you can still sign up for a box/ gender boy-girl and age group without having the physical box in hand. All boxes will be returned to Hope on July 21st (AFTER VBS- do not bring them before- there will be no room to store them). The physical boxes will then be stored until the National November drop off week. If I see a need for more orders of physical boxes we can order more. 

  • Fleece Blankets are Back!

    If you are looking for a project, we would like to suggest fleece blankets. Our plan is to have kits always available in the narthex for this year-round activity to benefit the homeless clients at Daily Bread. Illustrated directions are included in the kits, but you may contact Nancy Sutter, Alison Hatch, or Nancy Roberts if you have questions. There are no due dates to return the completed blankets, but we would suggest 2-3 weeks as a good time frame. This is a great activity for all members of the family and yet another way to be Hope in our community.

  • Hope for the Homeless

    There will be a Thrivent card used to purchase Bug Spray/ Bug bracelets. Our Hope members may donate extra-large band aides/ bandages.  As always, any items donated are greatly appreciated current needs for July include shampoo/conditioner/ body wash of regular sizes, reusable canvas shopping bags, backpacks, sunglasses, baseball hats, sunscreen, small hotel toiletries, tarps, small tents, sleeping bags, men’s and women’s tank tops, belts, jeans and shorts (28-32 men’s, 0-6 women’s), cotton T-shirts, sneakers (men’s size 10 and up).  Clean out those closets and donate to a good cause.

    Daily Bread- 5th Sunday Event. Daily Bread has updated their MENU for Sundays and is asking for 10 helpers on our given 5th Sunday starting in July.  Our next 5th Sunday event will be help on September 29th 10:30-1:30pm.  If you are not already on my volunteer list and would like to join us please let me know. I have a volunteer application for you to fill out which I will deliver to the Director of Volunteer services to keep on file.

    Providence Place Daily Bread- Hope was also featured in the Pathways Home Summer 2024 Daily Bread Newsletter, page 5.  We have Tori Cooper posing in her Hope for our Community t-shirt at the Providence Place informational event. Chick it out in the Narthex.

  • Food on the First - B.L.A.S.T.

    Another opportunity to be Hope in our community…Food on the First resumes on August 4 for the B.L.A.S.T. food pantry at Eau Gallie High School. Any of the basic staples will be needed as the students get the pantry running again for the coming school year. Your monetary donations are also welcomed; donation envelopes are available in the narthex in the Food on the First corner. Check with Nancy Sutter (321-537-2717) if you have questions

  • Baker's Blessings on the Road

    Baker’s Blessings will be taking a break for the summer. Look for the sign-up list in August when Baker’s Blessings resumes.

  • Hope Cares

    Hope Cares is a program that matches needs with resources all within our Hope family community. Here are just a few of the categories we could use help in providing:

                  -Greeting cards to shut-ins and emails

                  -Meals to homes – mostly after surgery, births, and so on

                  -Transportation – mostly to church, appointments, important errands

                  -Contribute food to funeral lunches, as per the family’s request

    If you would like to be a resource providing these activities, please fill out a gold half-sheet which is on table in the narthex then check off your choices.  Next, please give the form to Deaconess Lois or drop off in the church office. You will receive an email, or phone call, when a request for these items comes up.


    Hope Cares is truly a blessing to our Hope family.  Thank you for your help.


    If you would like more information, please contact Deaconess Lois Diebel at 321-536-0430 or deaconess.lois@hope-brevard.org

  • Additional Community Support

    • Operation Christmas Child
    • Gifts from the Heart
    • Guardian ad Litem Angel Tree
    • Children's Hunger Project
    • New Life Mission
    • CITA Mission
    • The Haven for Children
    • Trinity Lutheran School
    • Sherwood Elementary School
    • Daily Bread, The Sharing Center, Genesis Food Pantry
    • Family Promise of Brevard
    • Habitat for Humanity
    • LCMS and LWML
    • Seven AA Groups
  • Outreach Report for 2023

    In 2023 Hope’s Outreach expenditures came to $36,427 which included external and internal missions as well as advertising. The total income via our 11% of Hope’s total income for the year was $34,775 which included $250 from Steve Apostle’s memorial donation, $330 misc. donations and the $940 and 1,414 items from Hope member for Genesis Food Pantry. We also used $2,500 in Thrivent dollars which equaling 2,272 items purchased for Genesis Food Pantry- Food on the First. That was a whopping 3,686 non-perishable items given to our community in need. The 12/31/2023 ending balance in the Outreach account was $15,998.51. As of 12/1/2023, we used roughly 59 Thrivent cards which is an astonishing $14,750 in extra funds. Thank you to all who contribute to and support out Thrivent missions. What a wonderful way to given back for all the time, talents and treasures God has go graciously given to each of us. We truly are the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.